Phone: 024 554 633, 523 033, 523 133

Business hours : 7 - 15 h

E-mail :


Hot water boilers for solid fuels 18-150kW

Hot water boilers for solid fuels and biomass 100-1200 kW

Industrial hot water boilers

Steam boilers

Ventilation & Air Conditioning


Tehnoserv company is a manufacutrer of high quality air treatment devices and systems with capacities 500-100.000 m3/h. Depending on the wanted parameters and other technical characteristics, we are recomending you to choose from three groups of devices:
Modular Ventilation System Appliances
Compact Ventilation Devices


Some examples of our installations and works

We would like to show you all the work that we have done, but it would take us days to do that. Always there for you!

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Quick Links


  • Fax: 024 554 633

  • E-mail :

  • Hrastova br. 5, 24000 Subotica 

Phone: 024 554 633, 523 033, 523 133