Phone: 024 554 633, 523 033, 523 133

Bussines hours : 7 - 15 h

E-mail :

01 reklama ENG

About us

Tehnoserv company was established in 1990, and since then is expanding. Today it is a fully equipped factory spread on 3000 sqm. The company has a long year tradition in production, mounting, and engineering in the domain of meatal constructions and thermal engineering.



HotWater Boilers

Ventilacioni uredaj

Ventilation & Air Conditioning


Steam Boilers


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The company TEHNOSERV is engaged in the design, manufacture, and installation of metal structures as well as the design, manufacture, and execution of works in the field of thermal engineering.

  • Boiler rooms for production of superheating and dry saturated water vapor
  • Hot water and hot water boiler rooms on solid, liquid, and gaseous fuel
  • Fuel oil stations
  • Overhaul of boilers and boiler plants
  • Air conditioning and ventilation
  • Process equipment in the industry
  • Power pipelines
  • Serial production of hot water, hot water, and steam boilers on solid, liquid, and gaseous fuel 18-10000kW

We offer you a complete solution of the machine part of the facility according to the turnkey system, where our team of experts will guide you through the commissioning process.